Monday, July 8, 2013

Beets on the Grill

So today is a little different. First off, there's no recipe I'm going to refer to, and instead I just whipped this one up myself. Second, this is the last remaining veggie in my CSA for this week, but I've seen a peek of the coming distribution and I'm so excited I can barely focus!

However, there are beets that must be utilized.

For those tuning in the last time, beets were not a huge hit in my house. I ate them with relish because I COOKED them and had to set a great example. But I'm not going out of my way to make them with feta again.

So today, I was already planning on doing hawaiian kabobs with chicken, pepper, onion and pineapple. The marinade even comes in a nice little packet that you just whip up with vinegar and oil.  However, when I went to get my veggies out for the marinading, I saw the beets. Hmmmm, What if I were to marinate and grill beets? I don't really have anything to lose do I? If they suck we'll just continue to find other ways to use them right?

Sadly, I was out of marinade after the veggiea and chicken. But a marinade is a marinade, and as long as you have the basics the rest is just magic.

Hawaiian Beets on the Grill

Husband friendliness - 0
Toddler friendliness - 0

1/4 c. oil
1/3 c. cider vinegar
2 TBSP brown sugar
couple of shakes of cajun seasoning (it smelled right)
shake of garlic powder
shake of onion powder
two shakes soy sauce

Wrap in foil with the marinade for 2 hours

Place on skewers with pineapple

Grill 15 minutes

Pretty to plate, first bite wasn't terrible. If you like beets it might be an option (with small beets). I would recommend a more viscous marinade (maybe with honey) And grilling for a much longer timeframe on lower heat. These came out hard on the outside and fibrous on the inside, where roasting or steaming may have made them softer. I won't make them again, because I'm really struggling to like the flavor of beets, but for hose who enjoy them it's worth a shot!


  1. Hi! I was searching for WTFCSA and found your blog...and we are both getting the same shares from (I assume) the GFC. I hope you don't mind but I shared your link in my blog. Thanks for the education on what comes in that box!

  2. It is the Good Food Collective (which reminds me, I've been meaning to do a shout out to them on the blog!) Thanks for the link, this has been a fun project!
