Thursday, June 20, 2013

First delivery!!

Much thanks to Leslie for picking up our share today while I was out of town. I'm actually happy with the size of this first share, it's not too overwhelming. Somehow I thought I'd have enough kale to quilt a bedspread, but I can handle this!
(In clockwise order from lower left: garlic scapes, beets and Swiss chard, kale, lettuce, scallions, an strawberries)

For those wondering, we've had a really wet late spring/early summer here in Rochester this year. Our share was actually pushed back a week because the lack of sun has made things grow slowly. So while I can handle this small share for now, I'm also looking forward to oodles of stuff in the future. 

I'm off work at 2 tomorrow, and will be attempting my first WTF CSA adventure. Unless you count the fresh strawberry I already snuck. If you do count that, it was delicious, in case you were wondering.

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